
We love Icons!

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Artefact mosaic
da lunedì 4 giugno 2018 ore 09:30 a venerdì 8 giugno 2018 ore 18:30

One of our favorite workshop class!
It will be a perfect first step for the portrait.
A bit easier than the contemporary human portrait, the rules are quite similar, you will learn all the steps and tips to realize your own original icon mosaic!
Thanks to this workshop, you will experiment all the rules and the tips of the byzantine technique as they are teached at the Spilimbergo school.
You will learn the manipulation of the mosaic hammer to create the tesserae which give this inimitable aspect of the mosaics of the school.
The mixture of colors, materials and forms, so creating the byzantine andamenti.
A small theoretical course will be given to you for every important stage of the creation of your week.

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