
Summer Academy Venice | 2018

Summeracademy Venezia
da domenica 24 giugno 2018 ore 13:00 a domenica 8 luglio 2018 ore 13:00

we are happy to invite you to this year's Summer Academy Venice!

Experimental Architecture | Professor: Fiorenzo Bertan & Sergio Los [18.6-1.7.2018]
Sculpture | Professor: Andrzej Wemiski [24.6-8.7.2018]
Painting I | Professor: Wolf Werdigier [24.6.-15.7.2018]
Painting II | Professor: Attila Szcs,[24.6.-8.7.2018]
Painting III | Professor: Virginie Bailly [8.7.-15.7.2018]
Choral Singing | Professor: Justine Rapaccioli [24.6.-1.7.2018]
Photography I | Professor: Ute Lindner [24.6.-1.7.2018]
Photography II | Professor: Atul Dodiya [1.7.-15.7.2018]
New Media Art | Professor: Natan Sinigaglia [8.7-15.7.2018]
Art and Performance | Professor: Jay Pather [8.7.-15.7.2018]
Creative Writing – German | Professor: Petra Ganglbauer [1.7.-8.7.2018]
Artist’s Career | Professor: Michael Schultz Gallery [8.7.-15.7.2018]

The International Summer Academy of Fine Arts and Media takes place during the Art Biennale in Venice, which is involved into the program as well.
The master classes are offered for post gradual students and beginners alike.
Tuition fees:
€ 250, – enrolment fee plus € 300.- entry fee per week.
Student discount: 40%. For each recommended participant you get 10% of your participation fee credited.
Registration for all classes open
all information at

Info: [EventoFacebook]